We did our last two seasons for our season-ender (Sabado Boys) last Tuesday in an undisclosed location. Fortunately, it was a pretty fast one. I think we are all getting the hang of it. The atmosphere was pretty much the same. Everyone looked like they just got out of bed, in a good way though. Most of the boys including myself started learning our lines, the music and prepared our own make up. Sounds gay right? (we truly have our own!)
It's already been over 20 weeks and we were already anticipating what's ahead for our not so structured but fun little TV program. I was telling Jimmy that I can't believe that we have reached this far since in the beginning, not too many people believed that it will work. This was actually just a temp job for me, to be honest. However, i was definitely mistaken. This has now been a big part of my career. The money is good, the work is manageable, the exposure is great, it's a lot of fun and most importantly, i've gained great friends who are so close to being called "BESTEST". I remember last Christmas, I told Jimmy Bondoc to continue to have the vigor and faith to bring the Sabado Boys to every household. In less than a year, turned out that we were a lot of people's guilty pleasure. Not bad huh?
Through the course of our shoot, we were actually brainstorming on what to do next. Our next move is not as clear as we want it to be since our contract with Studio 23 will expire after October 4 this year. Thanks to ELLIPS, our major sponsor, we were able to execute 26 distinct episodes, from music, drama, action , horror, comedy and even dance. If you're reading this Johnny, i am most grateful. Now, we are torn between stucturing or otherwise.
I am a bit worried on how things are going to be after we finish the season. Yet I know for sure that we will find a way to get ourselves aired in one way or another. Not so surprisingly though, we ended up being in a business meeting presenting a pitch in one of the up and coming TV stations this morning. To me it was half the battle won already. They liked what we had to offer and it definitely looks promising. I don't really wanna go beyond my head but I kinda feel that we have found a new home. I'm just gonna keep my fingers crossed this time.
The Sabado Boys has been my extended family now. We've been through about 5 seasons in three years. We battled a court case, made some money, received good and bad reviews, made a great album, danced the porker face, conquered the rapids, laughed and cried ( I cried only once by the way but it was MAJOR!), partied like hell, found love, lost it, got a manager to the tune of "
One Moment In Time" and lived through music. I'd be so stupid enough for me to let it go.